
Count Number of Digits of an Integer

 C++ program to count number of digit in an integer. This program takes an integer from user and calculates the number of digits in that integer. For example: If user enters 2319, the output of program will be 4 because it contains 4 digits.This program takes an integer from user and stores that number in variable n. Suppose, user entered 34523. Then, while loop is executed because n!=0 will be true in first iteration.
The codes inside while loop will be executed. After first iteration, value of n will be 3452 and count will be 1. Similarly, in second iteration n will be equal to 345 and count will be equal to 2. This process goes on and after fourth iteration, n will be equal to 3 and count will be equal to 4. Then, in next iteration n will be equal to 0 and count will be equal to 5 and program will be terminated as n!=0 becomes false.

Source Code:-


void main()
{   clrscr();
    long int num1,count=0;
    cout<<"count number of digits in a number  by-Tarun Rawat\n\n";
    cout<<"Enter number to count it's Digit : ";
    cout<<"Number of Digit is : "<<count;

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